Saturday, August 22, 2015

Fresh Caprese Salad

With my basil growing like crazy, this salad has become a staple in our household. It tastes so fresh and flavorful and always reminds of summer :) The focus on this recipe is on the quality of your ingredients. The dish is so simple that having great tasting tomatoes and mozzarella is really key!

Fresh Caprese Salad 

Fresh mozzarella 
Large tomato (We've been using our homegrown, organic heirlooms tomatoes!)
Fresh basil 
olive oil 
balsamic glaze (you can buy balsamic glaze or you can easily make it by heating balsamic in a saucepan until it is reduced and has more of a syrup consistency) 

Chop the tomatoes and mozzarella until uniform in size. You can also chop both into "discs" and layer for a beautiful look! Dash of salt to taste. Chop the fresh basil and place on top (or layer between "discs"). Lightly drizzle olive oil and balsamic glaze over the dish until your desired amount of both are present. Easy peasy!

P.s. I added some fresh chives as well. Some folks love fresh garlic added-- just don't do so before a date!

Approx. 21 day fix containers:
1 blue
1 green
1 orange 

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